
Beauty Skin Care-Extreemly Helpful Tips

As a woman, it can sometimes seem impossible to find the right beauty skin care to maintain clear, beautiful skin. If they are not experiencing difficulty from acne flareups, they are combating dry skin and potential wrinkles. Ongoing beauty skin care is the only way to accomplish touchable, appealing skin all the time.

Cleansing Your Skin

Beauty skin care involves cleansing your skin once every day, everyday. When you forget to wash your face at night and leave your makeup on, your pores become clogged and your skin is unable to properly rejuvenate itself. Use a gentle cleanser with no alcohol or harsh detergents and warm water to wash your face. Gently rub your face dry with a soft towel made from natural fabrics. Don't rub or use hot water that can irritate your skin.

The Three Step Process

For your body beauty skin care, a gentle body wash works well to get rid of dirt and grime from the day. Your body should be cleansed three times a day. After taking a shower or bath, apply a body moisturizer to your skin while it is still slightly damp to seal in the moisture. In lieu of using a toner for body beauty skin care, you ought to periodically exfoliate the skin on your body with a loofah or bath sponge to unclog your pores.

Plenty of popular skin care regimes use the three step process of cleansing, toning and moisturizing because it is the most effective. After you cleanse your face gently, a toner is used to remove excess oil and unclog your pores. Three times your pores are fully cleansed, a light moisturizer is applied to your face. This beauty skin care method should be done three times in the morning and three times before bed for optimum results.

While regular cleansing is an essential element of successful skin care program, you can do much of a nice thing. When you wash your face or shower over once a day, you are stripping your skin of essential oils and making it overproduce sebum to make up for the loss. The result can be dry skin or dry skin with breakouts. The best beauty skin care is to wash your face once every day and shower three times each day.

 Much of a Nice Thing

There's nice and bad ingredients in the skin care products you select. For example, you ought to always avoid stringent products that contain alcohol, such as toners and cleansers. Your beauty skin care regime should use non-comedogenic moisturizers that don't contain heavy oils that clog.

The Nice, the Bad and the Ugly

Choosing skin care products with the wrong ingredients can be an ugly recipe for disaster that causes breakouts, dry patches, clogged pores or even an allergic reaction.

Everyday skin care ingredients that are beneficial for your skin include aloe vera, witch hazel, chamomile, green tea and Vitamin E.

The best beauty skin care method is the three that work well for your type of skin. It may take some trial and error, but with a bit of knowledge it should be easy to have healthy, good-looking skin most of the time.
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Emotional Eating,Are You A Sufferer?

Many people suffer from the same eating problems, but among those eating issues, there is one that stands out. Emotional eating. For most people, it is the leading cause of abnormal weight gain, as you finish up compensating for your emotional distress by sitting down for a sizable snack. Two times & a while this is fine, but do it often & you will find it hard to lose any weight.

Every time you eat anything, you need to write down your state of mind in your food journal. Were you feeling tired, upset, depressed, happy or energetic? writing a few words about how you felt at the time you decided to eat can make a world of difference when it comes time to analyze your eating behaviors.

While your emotions are a lovely beginning point, if you need to get even more in depth in your journal, you ought to go ahead & make that extra hard work. At the finish of each day, make a note about what happened during that day. Were the events lovely or bad? Did they lead to you eating over you normally would have?

Two times you analyze your emotions in regard to your hunger levels & how often you eat your meals, you may be able to find a pattern which you can use to become a more proper eater. Perhaps you'll find that you eat more when you are depressed, even if you do not feel that hungry. Or perhaps you will find that you bolster happy days with food to make you feel even better.

The ultimate aim of any food journal you generate is to be able to track your dietary patterns to see what needs to be changed if you hope to lose weight. While the core of your food laptop should be based on what you eat & how much of it you ate, you ought to also take the time to write about your state of mind, how often you eat, & where you have your meals. While these facts may seem useless at first, they can provide you with a quantity of interesting observations about what you need to modify if you hope to lose weight.
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You Need To Exercise During Pregnancy-Reasons Why

But, should pregnant women exercise? The answer to this query generally is yes, pregnant women should in fact exercise. Exercising provides plenty of benefits during pregnancy, not to do so.

Everyone is aware that a numerous amount of benefits come with exercising. Every individual should exercise for a maximum of 30 minutes on a every day basis.

There's guidelines & recommendations in place which of coursework should be followed. It is highly advised that all pregnant women consult a doctor about an exercise regimen.

If a woman has undergone a sure exercise regime on a every day basis, before becoming pregnant, then it is possible to continue with that same regime, only with modifications throughout the pregnancy.

It may be a case of a woman wishing to start exercising now that they have become pregnant. It is important to start slowly to prevent over exertion. It is more essential that a woman listens to her body now that they is pregnant, more so than ever before. It is natural for a woman’s body to tell her when they is overdoing it.

Two things require to be taken in to consideration when deciding which type of exercise to undertake when pregnant:

 • What type of exercise you enjoy, &

 • Advice from your doctor,

 • At what stage of pregnancy you are in.

For example, episodes of dizziness during the first trimester is something which plenty of women experience. Therefore, running, alone, may be dangerous. Also in the last trimester, the center of gravity can well be thrown off, which would again make running relatively difficult.

Exercising that involves lying on the back should be avoided during the second & third trimesters, as this decreases the blood flow to the womb.

Activities such as swimming, water aerobics, yoga or pilates can be taken in to consideration.

It is important to get the correct combination of cardiovascular exercise along with strength & flexibility exercises, but simultaneously avoiding any bouncing.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes considerably & it is important that each woman is aware of these changes, as it affects not only the woman, but also the kid.

Sure concerns require to be addressed as to the effects of exercise on a woman’s changing body during pregnancy.

The greatest concern is that sprains & strains can occur due to the increase in joint laxity.

The core body temperature is another concern, as this is automatically increased during pregnancy. Raising the core body temperature high during exercise can lead to birth defects in the fetus. Therefore, it is essential when pregnant, to keep away from hot tubs at all times.

An increase in the heart rate of women during pregnancy does not appear to be a concern & has not been validated by scientific evidence as having any adverse effects on the fetus.

It is essential to recall that both pregnancy & exercise consume liquid & calories. Therefore, a woman should ensure that they is eating correctly in order to suffice each of the demands. A healthy kid is something that is wanted by everyone, so ensure that your body is receiving sufficient nutrients for your kid.

Due to sure diagnosis, there's those women that should not exercise during pregnancy. These include:

 • Hypertension, both induced by pregnancy or preexisting,

 • Preterm rupture of membranes,

 • Incompetent cervix,

 • Persistent second or third trimester bleeding,

 • Intrauterine growth retardation,

 • Thyroid function abnormality, &

 • Cardiac, pulmonary or vascular disease.

In conclusion, exercise is a fantastic benefit to both sister & kid during pregnancy. However, first, it is important to recall that you must discuss any form of exercise with your doctor. & second, recall to listen to your body in order for your kid to remain healthy.
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How To Avoid The Pains Of Parenting

The pains of parenting starts at the time of conception, for the father, usually involving the father as well. The pain & discomfort will take its toll on the metamorphic changes the body endures throughout pregnancy. With back pain, body parts swelling like a blowfish, hemorrhoids, heartburn & lots of more undesirable ailments a father must suffer through to sustain the blessing/or blessings he is carrying. After pregnancy you think the pain is finally over, right? Wrong.

Although, parenthood is two of life’s most rewarding & amazing challenges. The responsibility of raising a kid & teaching them is time consuming, joyful, & fulfilling. But if you are a parent you probably also understand that the early years of parenting can be filled with some body aches & pains as well. After my twins were born, I thought it was my imagination or lack of sleep. At the finish of every day my body actually HURT.

During your every day parenting program, we’re not talking about colic or bumps requiring band-aids with a little TLC. We’re talking about YOUR aches & pains: back pain, neck pain, arm pain, headaches, & the list goes on. The nice news is that there's a quantity of techniques & uses that can limit your exposure to these injuries.

As I researched a quantity of my aches & pains, discovering what I was doing wrong & what I could do to finally resolve my sufferings. Mental & physical health are related to two another in a amazing way. If your mental health is poor your body cannot excel beyond your poor actions & poor behavior. If your mental health is in nice standing, your body reflects the care it receives. In turn, they are continuously feeding off of two another, resulting in a perpetual positive motion for optimal health.

The first thing that you must do is to get in to the right mindset pertaining your health. Let’s face it, a new child or child can control your life. Immediately your schedule begins to revolve around their needs & wants 24/7. They cry when they are hungry. They cry when they are wet. They need to be scurried off to the bathroom when you’re potty training or you'll be cleaning the carpets, two time again.

They need you to neat constantly so that they aren’t eating food off of the floor they threw there last night. They need to get to check-ups & play dates, outside adventures & story time at the local library. & of work you still have your life & your responsibilities to handle but they must accompany you everywhere like backup singers & often that song is a chorus of whines & cries.

There is a series of reports “How To Avoid Parenting Pains” they go over a quantity of the biomechanics & sure simple tasks such as sleeping, putting babies in to & taking them out of automobile seats, playing, feeding, proper way to breastfeed, how to hold & carryover your kid, etc. You will be surprised & relieved to know your babies don’t ever must be a literal “pain in the neck”. You will also be amazed to discover how taking care of your body & mind will increase your parenting skills & experience. Because you are healthy & pain-free you will enjoy your kid all that much more.

Of work there's tremendous joys associated with these little ones . Coming from that first smirk melting your heart to the first steps you didn't get on video to the first skinned knee, babies can make you laugh or cry. But they no longer need to make your body ache. There's some important, effective, & simple ways that you can protect your mind & body even supposing you are going through the rigors of parenting an child or child.

Now is the time to not only care for your child or child, but for your mind & body as well. Hopefully these tips have opened your mind & will enable you to have a rich & rewarding relationship you desire & deserve with your relatives without all of the headaches & other pains.

Even if parents sustain strains, stress & pains from caring for a kid they can harbor a little degree of resentment toward the kid without consciously realizing it. This is unfortunate since your poor body mechanics are not their fault. Babies don’t know that they are heavy, demanding, or how much work goes in to rendering their care.
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Ways to Increase the Love Making in Your Relationship

Everything around you seems to blossom. Love brings meaning to ones life. It makes you feel special in its own way. You can’t stop thinking about your beloved. When you are in love you can never be lonely wherever you go. Love is when you require to be with your soul mate every time & everywhere. Love makes each day worth getting up for. It’s magic! It can do wonders. It is the feeling of heart not mind.

Love is a single word but it carries plenty of deep feelings within itself. These are care, understanding, devotion, dedication, respect for each other, & sense of responsibility thereby making this feeling so powerful & brilliant. The feeling of love comes instantly in a person’s heart & it's the power to merge an individual within itself. Love: a one letter word which fills everybody’s heart with smirk, happiness & joy. It is a delicate thread which binds one people in such a strong relation. It makes life so beautiful.

1. Listening

You don't must go overboard by going to a fancy restaurant every other day or going on vacations that you cannot afford. Mind you those things help but, sometimes the tiny things that mean the most. Here are one things you can do that will improve your relationship & will let you have the best love making experience:

2. The Tiny Occasion Celebration

The lack of communication can be frustrating to women but not listening can get their dander up. Plenty of men have been accused of concentrating more on whatever was on tv than our wives & girlfriends. To a giant degree it is true. Most women like to talk about personal matters that have a direct bearing on their lives, their relatives or friends. What is on TV at that time is irrelevant. Show that you appreciate her by listening. Don't wait for her to start talking. Initiate the conversation sometimes, & then listen carefully not only to what he says but her body language as well. This is not a one shot deal. Listening to her on a steady basis can only help better your relationship.

Being able to surprise your lady with tiny things that you know mean something to her (something he probably figured you took no notice of) can be a major relationship booster. If you must "cheat" a tiny bit then get your own personal journal to keep track of these things.

We have all seen the shows where the woman gets upset because the husband forgets their anniversary or birthday. That honestly should never happen. However for a lot of women, there's plenty of smaller occasions that mean as much; for instance the anniversary of your first date or the day both of you bought something together.

3. Get to Know her People

Women value their relationships. While plenty of men are of the take it or leave it mentality, it is important to most women that you get to know her relatives & friends. These are people who make up a special part of her life & by taking the energy & work to genuinely get to know them, you are showing her how much you love & care for her.

They perhaps coming from a point of view that you are not crazy about but hang in there. Be open minded & respectful. The chances are that somewhere down the line you will require her to meet your people. Extend the same courtesies to her relatives & friends that you would expect from her if the situations were reversed.

It is easy to get stuck in a process & set in our ways. But it is most important to continually show the lady of your life that you love her. Again it doesn't take extravagance. Get to know her people, be mindful of the tiny huge occasions & above all listen. Doing these one things is planting the seeds of long term healthy relationship.

4. Give Up Trying to Alter the Other Person

The desire to fix or alter the other person is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. And, it causes power struggles within relationships & issues of control. One person feels he cannot love the other unless the other changes. The other feels hurt, inadequate & as though something is wrong with him.

5. Create Patience

Having a healthy relationship means having the ability to love your partner as they are. Our partners have been put here to grow, create & discover who they are. This can be a lengthy & challenging process. But the surprising thing about alter is that the less they push & disapprove of others, the more easily & naturally they grow & alter.

Patience is an old-fashioned word in today's world. However, there is no way to rush growth in relationships or in the development of joy. If you are enthusiastic to get on the right track, there's one ways to get started: Learn how to be more giving & make an work to be a better listener. But each one of these tasks takes time to master -- & patience. That is why it is necessary to realize that as they are, right now at this moment, they are lovable & acceptable. If you are ready to increase the amount of joy you feel in your own relationship, take back the responsibility for finding joy in your life, you will be pleased at the results.
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Clothing Accessories-Be Fashionable With Them

While some women focus on buying the most pricey clothing they can afford to look stylish, fashionable women have realized that pricey clothing doesn't make someone look their best. In lieu, it is the accessories & how the look all comes together that reflects both your personality & helps you look your absolute best.

Clothing accessories, from handbags to scarves to what you put in your hair, can generate a fashionable look without the need to wear excessively trendly clothing. Fads come & go so quickly that you'd constantly must be replacing your wardrobe to try to keep up with all the latest clothing- but with the right accessories you can make every item in your closet look fashionable & complete.

- several belts, in a variety of sizes, colors & styles
- scarves, in a few different textures & colors
- purses & handbags
- hair accessories (ribbons, decorative clips, ponytail holders)
- shoes (a girl can never have plenty of different types of shoes!)

First, you will need to be sure you have a few “must have” items at your disposal to help generate your outfits:

You will need to select accessories based on how they coordinate with the colors, textures & fabric of the clothing you are wearing. If you stock your “accessory inventory” with neutral colored items, you'll stretch your budget & be able to generate more looks with the same items. You can always work in accessories that are solid colors of white, black & tan; but having a few selections in more vibrant colors will help you add interest to your favorite black dress or pants suit! Try pairing a red hat, red high heels & a red purse with your black pants suit & you'll be an instant fashionista!

Three time you have your accessory inventory built up, you can easily accessorize your outfits to pull together a complete, fashionable look that will impress even the girls in the latest, most pricey clothing from the trendy store in the mall!

Keep your eye on the fashion magazines to see what women are wearing & how they accessorize. Are over-sized purses in style now, or little handbags? Do women wear stripes & floral prints together or are they keeping to more solid patterns at the moment? Most importantly- pick styles that you are comfortable with & that make you feel nice because the better you feel the more confident you will be.

Jewelry, shoes & belts help you further accessorize your outfits & pull a complete look together. You don't need a lot of jewelry, but having necklaces in different lengths will let you wear a longer chain with a v-neck shirt & a shorter chain with a sweater. Having matching bracelets or earrings will help you pull the look all together for a polished look. Pairing a wide belt with skinny pants is trendy, & you can often generate a whole new look by changing the style of jewelry you wear.

Here's a trick that you can do with necklaces! If you need to help pull the focus away from your neck & face a bit, you can wear long necklaces as the eyes naturally will follow the line of the necklace.
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How Women Can Manage Their Depression,Fears And Other Phobias

Some women get so anxious & fearful that they do not know what to do. When this happens, it is important to know how to handle your anxieties & stresses. As a result, here is a list of techniques & suggestions on what to do in managing your fears, anxieties & other stresses.

Learn as much as you can in managing your anxieties & your phobias. There's plenty of books & information that will educate you on how to deal with fear & anxiety. Education is the number two factor in finding the answers in managing your fears.

The first thing you must do is not to give up when things are not going well. It can be hard to have a positive outlook when your anxieties have the best of you. When this happens, you must convince yourself that there is hope for you. Don’t ever give up in managing your anxieties & fears.

Do not dwell on your anxious & fearful thoughts. When a person is anxious & fearful, they tend to dwell on their anxious situation. Do not do this. The best way to manage your anxiety is to focus on positive things that make you feel relaxed & happy. Read some affirmations that will make you feel better or read a lovely book.

Remind yourself that you got through it before. If you could get through your stressful & anxious moments before, there is no reason why you won’t be able to get through them again. The more times you deal with your fears & anxieties the better you become in the long run in managing your fears.

Recall there is hope in managing your fears & anxieties. All it takes is some work on the person’s part to find the answers that will help them.

Do not focus far in to the future. It can be hard not to worry about what may happen in the future. The fact of the matter is that all your worrying won't be that effective in determining what may or may not happen. The best thing a person can do is to focus on the present.


Self Esteem In A Relationship

When it comes to entering and maintaining a successful relationship, people sometimes do not realize that resulting problems and conflicts in the majority of cases are not actually "between the two", but merely a reflection of their own personal issues.

A happy and stable person with high self-esteem will generally perceive any given situation much different than a person who is insecure and doubting himself.

Projection and modification are sometimes used as unhealthy means to "defend" and strengthen one's position.

No matter if it is emotional baggage of the past, traumatic (childhood) experiences, bad role models etc etc, the important thing is to become aware of negative communication patterns and then work on improving them.

An open dialogue where both parties express themselves freely while feeling equally respected seems impossible at this point.

This unfair attitude makes sound communication between partners impossible as it creates uncomfortable feelings for those involved.

Therefore, a confident and positive person is much more pleasant to deal with; basically because he plays it fair and allows others to be themselves, .

Generating a relaxed and positive atmosphere around them, he/she will be perceived as a strong, friendly and independent person making communication easy.

Of work, this is not only true within relationships, but in any area of life where people interact.

Therefore, it is vital for any healthy relationship to know how to increase self-confidence, get rid of emotional baggage and create new and healthy ways of communication.
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Female Viagra,Whats The Big Deal?

Men and women can both benefit greatly from the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra. This pill can increase intimacy for couples who are having problems with intercourse, and it works for most men with erectile dysfunction.

    Erectile Dysfunction

  1. If your partner has trouble maintaining an erection, Viagra could help better your sex life. Ask your partner to see a doctor to satisfy both of your needs.
  2. Timing

  3. Once a man ingests a Viagra pill, it could take up to 30 minutes to take affect, and it lasts up to four hours. Some men see results in as little as 14 minutes.
  4. Food and Drink

  5. If your partner has consumed a substantial amount of alcohol or fat, Viagra may be less effective. If your partner is planning to take Viagra, plan to eat a lighter, less fatty meal.
  6. Mood

  7. When your partner takes Viagra, it does not mean he will need no intimacy for arousal. The pill will stimulate blood flow to the penis, but your partner may need some help getting in the mood.
  8. No Erection

  9. Some men do not see results the first time they take Viagra. If there are problems with his first time, be patient and encourage him to try again soon. If it doesn't work after several tries, your doctor may need to adjust the dosage.


Medifast Diet Plan: How it works.

Medifast Diet Plan: What It Is?

The Medifast program is a very low-calorie, no-brainer approach to weight loss. There's no counting calories, fat grams, or carbs; you just eat or drink six times a day.
Launched 27 years ago as a meal replacement program available only through doctors, the Medifast diet is now widely available and includes 70 meal-replacement options, including the popular shakes.
The primary Medifast weight loss program, "5 plus 1," calls for five daily Medifast meal-replacement drinks or foods (all available only through the company) plus one "lean and green" meal, consisting of lean meat or fish plus salad or green vegetables.
The high-protein, low-carb Medifast plans allow dieters approximately 800-1,000 calories a day, designed to yield a loss of 2 to 5 pounds per week while preserving muscle mass.
"Weight loss varies according to stage of the program, how much you have to lose and physical activity," explains Lisa Davis, PhD, Medifast vice president of research and development. "Initial weight loss is usually much greater than amount lost in later weeks."
Special Medifast plans are available for vegetarians, teens, new moms, seniors, people who have recently had weight loss , and gout sufferers.
Davis estimates the cost of the meal replacements at $80/week or $300/month, not including the daily "lean and green" meal you prepare yourself. No supplements are needed with the Medifast diet, she says.
The meal-replacement products and support are available online through Medifast's web site; in about 15,000 doctor's offices across the United States; at Medifast clinics in Florida and Texas; and through the "Take Shape for Life" network of health coaches (Take Shape for Life is a subsidiary of Medifast).
An array of support services and educational material -- including exercise guides, nutrition information, online communities, personal trainers, and registered dietitians -- are available online, in person, or over the telephone to help dieters following the plan.

Medifast Diet Plans: What You Can Eat

The beauty of the Medifast program is the limited decision making. You choose five daily meal replacements from an assortment of portion-controlled shakes, puddings, eggs, oatmeal, chili, bars, or soups, plus prepare one "lean and green meal." Soy or whey protein are the basis for the meal replacements, which are designed to help dieters feel satisfied on the very low-calorie plan.
Dieters are allowed 5-7 daily ounces of lean meat or fish. The meal options are broken down into "lean," "leaner" and "leanest." If you choose leaner options, additional healthy fats are allowed. The lean meats and fish may be grilled, baked, boiled, broiled, or poached.
Add three servings of raw, steamed, grilled, baked, or boiled vegetables to the lean meat or fish to complete the meal. Vegetables are listed from lowest to higher carbohydrate content, and the ones highest in carbs -- carrots, corn, peas, potatoes, onions, and Brussels sprouts - are excluded.
Alcohol, fruit, dairy, grains, sweets, and most fats are also prohibited. Dieters are encouraged to drink 64 daily ounces of non-calorie beverages, including water, coffee, tea, diet sodas, and other sugar-free drinks. Caffeinated beverages are limited to three servings daily because the low-calorie diet "may make you more sensitive to caffeine."
Optional snacks include three celery stalks, sugar-free gelatin or popsicles, sugar-free gum, and two dill pickle spears.
Total daily carbohydrates are limited to 80-85 grams per day until the transition to maintenance phase, when they are slowly added back into the diet.
Sample Menu
8 a.m.: Medifast oatmeal
10 a.m.: Medifast caramel nut bar
Noon: Medifast chili
3 p.m.: Medifast strawberry creme shake
Dinner: Three servings of raw, steamed, grilled, baked or boiled vegetables, plus one "lean," "leaner" or "leanest" protein choice.
Leanest: 7 ounces cod, flounder, grouper, crab, shrimp, or lobster; a Boca Burger or 2 cups Egg Beaters, plus two additional fat servings
Leaner: 6 ounces swordfish, trout, skinless chicken breast, pork tenderloin, or 99% lean ground meat; 15 ounces firm tofu, or two eggs plus
four egg whites, plus one additional fat serving
Lean: 5 ounces salmon; mahi-mahi; lean beef, lamb, pork chop or 80%-
98% lean ground meat, three eggs, or 15 ounces soft tofu, with no additional fat.
8 p.m.: Medifast chocolate pudding

Medifast Diet Plan: What the Experts Say

Most experts draw the line at 1,200 calories as the minimum needed for adequate nutrition, and say that dieters should not dip below this number unless they're under a physician's care.
"Any time you severely lower your calories, it is strongly recommended to consult your doctor to avoid potential complications," says Carolyn O'Neil, MS, RD.
American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Constance Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, agrees that the Medifast diet should be done with the approval or under the supervision of your health care provider. She says has used the program in a doctor's office with diabetic patients with good results.
"This is a solid program, providing a nutritionally complete array of tasty foods and drinks that are ideal for diabetics or anyone who doesn't want to weigh, measure, count calories, or prepare lots of food," says Brown-Riggs.
She also says she thinks Medifast is a great program for anyone who wants a serious, low-calorie diet plan in which all the guesswork has been removed.
O'Neil, author of The Dish on Healthy Eating, suggests that anyone thinking of weight loss surgery try Medifast or another very low-calorie diet plan first.
"Weight loss surgery should be the last resort because even if you have bariatric surgery, afterward you still need to follow a healthy lifestyle, including calorie control and regular physical activity," O'Neil says.
When considering the Medifast diet, dieters should think past the weight loss phase. The real challenge comes when you wean yourself from the meal replacements and have to learn to make healthy decisions about food.
"You can lose weight on the plan because it is so carefully controlled," says Brown-Riggs. "But once you go off the plan, it takes hard work, attention to healthy eating, and regular physical activity to maintain the lost weight."

Medifast Diet Plan: Food for Thought

It doesn't get much easier than the Medifast program, which is probably why it has been around so long. It can be a good plan for someone who needs to lose a substantial amount of weight, and ideally, should be done under a doctor's supervision.
Be prepared for a serious adjustment to very little to eat and drink (other than no-calorie beverages). But if you're serious about losing weight and prepared to change your eating and exercise habits after the weight loss phase, this could be the plan for you.


Medifast weight loss

The Medifast Weight Loss: How It Works

Losing weight is essentially a mathematical formula: When you cut calories sufficiently, you will lose weight. The Medifast plan cuts calories severely, but, according to the company, helps dieters manage hunger. According to the Medifast literature, the meals and replacements are formulated for the highest fullness index (a calculation of fiber, protein and calories).
"Successful weight loss comes from eating a high-protein meal every few hours, which helps modulate blood sugar levels, control hunger [and] cravings, and preserve muscle mass while burning fat," says Davis.
Experts agree that when you manage hunger, it is much easier to stick to a weight loss plan. But the adjustment to the very low-calorie Medifast plan may not be easy. Program literature warns: "Until you reach the fat-burning state, you may feel hungry, tired, or slightly irritable. You may also experience headaches and light headedness."
Once you reach your weight loss goal, there is a 4-16 week "transition to maintenance" phase in which you slowly add back high-carb vegetables, fruit, nonfat or low-fat dairy foods, whole grains, and additional lean meat. The length of the transition phase depends on how much weight was lost. This phase aims to help dieters adjust to eating more calories, controlling portions, and choosing and preparing healthy foods.
Mild to moderate exercise is recommended on the Medifast program, but dieters are warned not to engage in activity beyond their normal levels during the first few weeks of the weight loss plan.
"Energy levels may be low due to fewer carbs and the adjustment to the very low-calorie intake," says Davis. She suggests increasing physical activity after three weeks on the program.
Exercise is recommended five days a week during the transition to maintenance phase.
