Men and women can both benefit greatly from the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra. This pill can increase intimacy for couples who are having problems with intercourse, and it works for most men with erectile dysfunction.
- If your partner has trouble maintaining an erection, Viagra could help better your sex life. Ask your partner to see a doctor to satisfy both of your needs.
- Once a man ingests a Viagra pill, it could take up to 30 minutes to take affect, and it lasts up to four hours. Some men see results in as little as 14 minutes.
- If your partner has consumed a substantial amount of alcohol or fat, Viagra may be less effective. If your partner is planning to take Viagra, plan to eat a lighter, less fatty meal.
- When your partner takes Viagra, it does not mean he will need no intimacy for arousal. The pill will stimulate blood flow to the penis, but your partner may need some help getting in the mood.
- Some men do not see results the first time they take Viagra. If there are problems with his first time, be patient and encourage him to try again soon. If it doesn't work after several tries, your doctor may need to adjust the dosage.