
Homemade Face Mask for Ashy Skin

Homemade Face Mask
Sugar is a preferred exfoliant to salt because it tends not to tear at the skin. When dead skin collects on the surface of skin, it's important to slough it away. This helps clear up clogged pores. When skin isn't exfoliated, it can appear ashy.


  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp warm water


Stir sugar into warm water so that it melts.
Make sure granules are dissolved, otherwise they could tear your skin.
Apply to the face.
Gently massage around the skin.
Rinse with warm water OR I like to take a warm washcloth that's steamed in the microwave. Make sure the washcloth is not too hot.

Enhance Romance

Is there enough romance in your love life? Romance doesn't have to cost a thing; romance simply requires some thought about what you can do to please your mate more. Once you dedicate yourself to enhancing romance, you're likely to experience greater intimacy and an improved love life. Here are just a few ideas to increase the amount of romance in your life:

ROMANCE TIP #1: Write a Love Letter

Sometimes it's easier to put thoughts of romance in a letter than to speak them aloud. If that's how you feel, follow these simple tips for writing a personal, deeply felt love letter that expresses your feelings of romance and affection for the other person.

ROMANCE TIP #2: Say it with Roses

A bouquet of roses can work wonders to melt a heart or forgive a hurt. But before you pick up a stem, make sure that the color roses you select send the correct message of romance.

ROMANCE TIP #3: Plan a Romantic Getaway

Sometimes simply planning and anticipating a trip will heighten feelings of romance. Set aside time to go over your calendars, determine when you can get away, and discuss what type of setting you consider best for romance. Find current information on romance packages by clicking the link above.

ROMANCE TIP #4: Surprise Your Partner with a Small Gift

Whether it's a scented candle, a bottle of massage lotion, or some bubble bath, your gift of romance doesn't have to be expensive... just something that will please your mate. And if you want to turn up the heat even more, assemble an entire basket of romance with a variety of sensual gifts inside.

ROMANCE TIP #5: Pick Out Some Sexy Lingerie

Something scant and filmy can do wonders to enhance romance. While many women feel self-conscious or that they need a perfect figure to wear sexy lingerie, it's simply not true.

ROMANCE TIP #6: Put on Mood Music

Set the scene for seduction by playing your favorite sounds. What CDs or MP3s put you in the mood for romance?

ROMANCE TIP #7: Add Diamond Sparkle

If you can afford a diamond ring or bracelet or pendant, go for it. The sparkle in a woman's eyes when she opens such a gift is likely to yield an immediate outburst of romance.
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Five Things You Can Do to Improve Your Marriage

Although there are many ways to improve your marriage, this list of five things you can do to improve your marriage is centered around major red flag issues that can tear your marriage apart:
  • Lack of respect for one another
  • Lack of time with each other
  • Lack of sexual desire for one another
  • Lack of sharing responsibilities
  • Lack of having agreed upon financial goals.

Don't Take Each Other for Granted

If you are taking your spouse for granted because you believe that your partner will always be there for you, you are making a huge mistake. Take the time and make the effort to be kind, thoughtful, appreciative, respectful, supportive, and affirming towards your spouse.
Not taking your spouse for granted means going beyond remembering your anniversary and your spouse's birthday. Not taking your spouse for granted means being tuned in to how your spouse feels and what your spouse thinks. Not taking your spouse for granted means you listen, you don't interrupt, and you show and tell your spouse of your love.

Work Together to Improve Your Sex Life

If you don't want to end up as one of the "sexless marriage" statistics, don't put your sex life on the low end of your priority list. Remind yourselves of when you first met and the first twinges of lust that you felt for one another. Leave romantic and suggestive love notes for one another. Flirt with one another. Plan for time alone with one another on a regular basis. Kick the television out of your bedroom.
Showing your spouse how much you love and care often leads to a satisfying and fulfilling sex life.

Agree to Do Your Share of Chores Around Your Home

If you want peace, harmony and a clean, organized home, then the two of you need to work together to insure that household tasks such as keeping financial records, maintenance, shopping, yard work, planning, cleaning, cooking, child care, transportation, etc. are shared responsibilities. Clutter around the house can create stress for both of you so talk about how both of you can routinely keep the clutter to a minimum.

Talk About Your Finances

When you have money it can come between the two of you if you haven't talked about your financial goals, saving money, and spending money. If your budget is tight, money can create stress and division as you cope with bills and worry.
Attend a financial workshop, talk with a financial planner, learn recommended ways of building a nest egg for emergencies and planning for your retirement. Discuss your finances so the two of you are on the same financial wave length.

Simplify Your Lives

Think about the number of hours you each work, the amount of time you spend on hobbies or on home maintenance, and the time you want to spend with friends or extended family versus the amount of time you spend with one another. Reevaluate how you both spend your time and consider how to simplify your lives whether you are newlyweds, a couple with children, or an empty nest couple. If you are over worked, over extended, and over tired, you put your marriage at risk.
The idea of downsizing involves more than moving to a smaller home. Downsizing is more about attitude than it is about space.
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How to get a guy
The perfect evening out with the girls ends in meeting a great guy and actually getting his phone number, and giving him yours, right? Well of course! You then do your secret little victory dance while he is not looking, and pride yourself on being strong and walking away with only a kiss and a smile. But then - the sinking feeling begins as the wait prolongs. Should YOU call him? How long do you wait? What if he never calls?
As a woman you are entitled to certain things. One is the right to change your mind at any given moment. The other is the right to RECEIVE the first call. So let me make that clear. You do NOT make the first call. Men chase - not women.
Actually, most men LIKE to be the pursuer in a relationship . Women perceived in the roll of the aggressor can be easily misconstrued as pushy, clingy or needy. Even if that was not your intent, it can be seen that way - so - let him call you.
Reason number two to let him be the first to call - one little word - "effort". Have you ever heard the old saying "Why buy the cow if you can have the milk for free?" Well, from a dating perspective, if you are so eager for him that you cannot even wait for him to call you - what does he have to do? Nothing. He knows you want him, and that gives him the advantage.
But there also another side effect to becoming the pursuer. It will completely KILL the chances of attraction growing, for you AND him. Like it or not, dating is a game at first. It's a fun game of chase, cowboys and Indians, cat and mouse, whatever you want to call it. But if you lay down and surrender before the game has even begun, do you think he is going to want to play? No.
Thirdly - you are in demand, baby!You need to show him, or let him believe that you are in demand , you are a sought after item and you are not going to be on the shelf for long! Do not, under any circumstance, let him think that you are sitting by the phone eagerly awaiting his call.
And while you very well MAY BE sitting there waiting for him to call - don't you DARE pick up that phone the first time he does! You are OUT! You are having fun, somewhere, NOT thinking of him. If you have to duct tape the phone to the wall - do not answer it. Wait a minimum of three hours before calling him back. Better yet, wait until the next day. His imagination will do wonders for YOU.
The fourth and final reason - allowing this to continue for a while - him calling you to ask you out - lets you know 100% that HE is INTERESTED in you. We all know what it feels like to sit there and wonder if he really is into you or not. Well, ladies, if he keeps calling, he IS. If you call though, every time you think about him, you are not going to know if he is chatting just to be nice. That will breed insecurity, then more needy behavior and - you guessed it - snuff the attraction.
So be the woman, and let him be the man. Let him call you. And if he doesn't call? His loss, honey. He was not showing you his true face then anyway, and you don't want that. So go and let him get you girl!


Having a baby is an amazing thing. Who knew you could make something so perfect? And who knew it could do that much damage to your belly? Stretch marks are one of the most discouraging things after having a baby. Women can feel embarrassed, or unattractive because of their stretch marks.
Stretch marks can also happen if someone has gained a lot of weight in a short period of time. As the body gets larger, whether you're gaining weight or pregnant, the skin stretches to accommodate the new size. The stress and stretching on the skin creates scars. These scars are stretch marks. People get stretch marks everywhere, from their tummy to their back to their legs and arms. There are a couple of ways to get rid of them, but most people don't want to have a painful surgery.
While surgery is a pretty extreme way of treating stretch marks , a lot of women are finding out that Shea Butter in its unrefined certified organic form can help. Shea Butter comes from the kernel of the Karite Nut tree. It is becoming very popular in the United States, because of it's amazing healing powers. It can reduce scars and help them fade. It is also amazing for skin rashes, dry skin, eczema, insect bites, and many other things.
You will want to make sure that when you decide to purchase Shea Butter, that you purchase it from a company who only sells 100% all natural unrefined organic Shea Butter. The refined Shea Butters are pumped full of damaging and toxic chemicals. Also, all of the healing powers of Shea Butter are lost during the refining process.
Smooth the healing Shea Butter on any area of your body that has stretch marks and be consistent. Do it every day. You will notice the reddish or purple stretch marks fading to a much lighter color. Your stretch marks will not be as noticeable, and depending upon how bad they are, you may not even be able to see them at all within a month. Use your Shea Butter on all areas of your body. It works wonders for dry, tired feet and is known for it's anti aging properties. You just can't go wrong with all natural unrefined Shea Butter.
