
Hobbies That Make Money For Women !!!

There is a saying from a wise business guru that if you do what you love, the money will soon follow. This perfectly describes the way to make money from your hobbies. A short list of marketable endeavors would include making and selling quilts, crafts, jewelery, creating and selling writing and photography, buy from garage sales and sale on eBay.
For any money making activity, it usually never hurts if you, for any number of reasons have a unique perspective. Selling quilts, crafts or jewelry are a good example of this. Are you super creative? Can you put out a plethora of unique designs that can make you money? Do you have high energy that allows you to work and work and work? Can you create intricate designs to sell?
To sell your writing, you would want to arm yourself with some basic knowledge about the writing industry. Subscribe to "Writer's Market," learn how to write a query and a proposal. Then, submit your poems, short stories, novels and novella's to editor's and agent's who area member of the Association of Authors' Representatives. Photography also provides a way to make money, but it's much more difficult to make money with it. If you can capture a human moment and/or can create a small studio, then you make your images more salable via stock photography. Just Google it, then find companies to submit to. Each company has their own requirements and norms. It is best to discern what a company's norms are by reading the Forums. Most online stock photography companies have them.
Lastly listed, is to buy items at garage sales that you can then clean up, write a description for, photograph, then sale on eBay. Look for unique items, antiques, current trends items and clothing that is in good shape.
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