
What Does a Woman Celebrating Life Look Like?

I believe she's like you and me - trying her best to live a joyful, fulfilled life. Some days she's on top of the world, happily going through her day with a light heart.
Other days, days when her heart is hurt, she aches. Perhaps someone misunderstood her, or was unkind. Maybe she sees what she isn't and yearns to be more.
On these days she doesn't feel adequate, or she's frustrated, sad, or discontent...and she needs love, appreciation - a pat on the back for trying - this woman needs someone to notice all the good things she's doing, because she is doing her very best, but sometimes her best just isn't good enough.
However, even on our worst days - even on the days when we're really hurting - even on those days....we're celebrating life because life isn't just about sunshine, happy days on the beach and picnics. Real life is about clouds and rain, too. It's lived - oh, it's lived deeply - in hospitals, and wherever there's pain and suffering.
It's in the places where people suffer that life is appreciated the very most. People bond there, lean on each other, express their love, and they live in the moment like never before.
Yes, we should celebrate all the experiences in our lives that help make us better women.
And as you well know, some of the experiences that help make us stronger women were excruciatingly painful when we were going through them. But they taught us valuable life lessons for which we are now grateful.
And so we embrace our failures, our successes, our hard times and happy times - as moments to celebrate.
Yes, we all want to live joyful lives - that's been our hope and dream since we were little girls. And the good news is - as long as we have breath within us we can learn life lessons and become better women - truly celebrating life every moment!
I'd like to share some of the lessons I've learned from truly joyful women - some I've met - some are my heroes from afar.
I've noticed that JOYFUL WOMEN:
BELIEVE they can create positive change in their lives. If you believe it, you can become it; whatever you wish to be!
Lauren Bacall said, "I'm not a has-been, I'm a will-be!" That's such a great attitude! "As a man (or woman) thinketh in her heart, so is she."
Today let's believe that we can be radiant, enthusiastic, joyful women!
Let's BELIEVE we're beautiful!, just the way we are!
BELIEVE you are talented and gifted, because you are.
BELIEVE you can hurdle every barrier, because you can.
BELIEVE you have infinite worth and marvelous things to do on this earth, because you do.
Our happiness begins with a belief that we CAN be joyful, no matter what circumstances challenge us because happiness is a choice. Abraham Lincoln said, "Folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
I've noticed that joyful women are grateful for what they have and they focus on that. And the Law of Attraction tells us that whatever we focus on expands. If we focus on what's working in our lives we'll get more of that. If we focus on what's not working, that's exactly what we'll get - more of what's not working.
Dale Carnegie said, "Happiness doesn't depend on outer conditions. It depends on inner conditions. It isn't what you have or where you are or who you're with that makes you happy or unhappy. For example, two people can be in the same place at the same time doing the same thing, and one is miserable and one is happy. Why? Because of a different mental attitude.!"
Today, let's count our blessings; focus on what's working in our lives; put on a smile, and celebrate our lives

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